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Chandler, AZ 85226
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Air Conditioning

Qualifying Questions

1. What are they trying to cool?
(Retail, Restaurant/Hospitality/Entertainment, Office Building,Hospital/Lab, Data Center, School, Nursing Home/Care Facility, Manufacturing)


2. Status of the facility
Under construction, complete (equipment down or missing) or supplemental (cooling for a specific space or task)


3. Square footage and ceiling height?


4. What conditions are they trying to create?
(adequate temperature range, humidity levels)


5. Do any high load conditions exist
(machinery, ovens, doors that open regularly or for extended periods/deliveries, high concentration of people)


6. Are there any spaces that are pressure sensitive? If yes, call RSM or Advanced Solution Team
(Hospital, Lab, Data Center) -Location to vent condenser (exhaust) air (door, window, drop ceiling) within 50’ (X, D & K series) or 25’ (12-ton) of proposed equipment location?
If proposing to vent condenser air to the dropped ceiling, is the existing AC equipment ducted or common return. Common/plenum return will require closing/blocking the existing return(s) to trap hot air above the grid.


7. When Utilizing Water Cooled Units
Water and drain availability within 25’-35’ of proposed equipment location


8. What power is available? Specifically volts/phase and amps
Distance from power location to proposed unit location. Will tails, extension cords or cable ramps be required


9. Will the unit be placed indoor (X, D, K & KK/UCA) or outdoor (KK/UCA & Trane)


10. Are there any security concerns that would prevent us from placing equipment outside or venting through a door/window?

Calculations & Sizing Parameters

Standard Cooling Applications


12,000 BTU = 1 ton

1 ton cooling 400 square feet (with 10-12 foot ceilings) with no added load or Infiltration


Note: In order to stabilize a space you must have the unit run constantly

Note: Range varies based on infiltration, added heat load (people, equipment, bad insulation, extreme temp and RH conditions, negative pressure)


Air Cooled: Units will cool anywhere from 250sqft-500sqft


  • 250’ per Ton = w/ Infiltration + Additional Load
  • 300’ per Ton = w/ Infiltration + No Additional Load
  • 400’ per Ton = w/out Infiltration + Additional Load
  • 500’ per Ton = w/out Infiltration + No Additional Load


Water Cooled: Units will cool anywhere from 400sqft-600sqft


  • 500’ per Ton = w/out Infiltration + Additional Load
  • 600’ per Ton = w/out Infiltration & No Additional Load



13,000 sqft - 20’ Ceilings (Cooling required floor to ceiling?)

Cubic volume + Heat load (watts) + People + Added Insulation + Added Infiltration

1 watt = 3.4 BTUS

People x 400 = Added BTUs Heat Load



75 to 150 square feet per ton

Every 24 people in tent requires 1 ton



50x50 tent with 100 people during summer (using 100 sq per ton)

25 ton plus 4 tons for people = 29 tons or (3 – 12 tons) depending on how warm, you may get away with 24 tons

Spec Chart


Standard Delivery:

$150 for 45 Mile Delivery

$150 for 45 Mile Pickup

$300 Total Cost


Extended Delivery:

$150 for 45 Mile Delivery

$150 for 45 Mile Pickup

+ $5.00 Per Mile Over 45 Miles


Delivery Example: Destination is located 100 miles from the branch. 

$150 (45 Mile Standard) + $275 (55 Extended Miles x $5.00) = $425 Delivery Cost

$150 (45 Mile Standard) + $275 (55 Extended Miles x $5.00) = $425 Pickup Cost

$850 Total Cost


After Hours Delivery:

+ $250 On top of Standard Delivery Fees.


The below rates should be considered the minimum we charge when creating our contracts/proposals. The rates are subject to charge with the complexity and obstacles presented onsite.


Single window plenum with Corplast (corrugated plastic)

  • Add ½ hr labor + $50 material each


Single door 3/8” plywood plenum

  • Add 1 hr labor + $125 material each


Double door 3/8” plywood plenum

  • Add 1.5 hrs labor + $200 material each


Garage/Overhead door 4’ tall plenum

  • Add 2.5 hrs labor + $300 material each

The below rates should be considered the minimum we charge when creating our contracts/proposals. The rates are subject to charge with the complexity and obstacles presented onsite.


12-Ton Kwikool or UCA

  • 1 hour each unit


12-Ton Smartfamily

  • 2 hours each unit
  • Add for a forklift or crane for delivery and pick-up
  • Unit must be delivered on a deck-over trailer


K, X & D Series

  • Up to (1) K series or up to (3) X or D series utilizing 8’ ceiling tile kits is included in the delivery/pick-up fee
  • Add ½ hr for each unit in addition to these quantities



  • Add ¼ hr per piece of 25’ long duct (if this is especially high, add significantly more)
  • Add ¼ hr per 50’ extension cord (120 volt, 6/4, L16-20, 2/5 banded)
  • Exclude the 1 st 120 volt cord per unit


Water Extensions

  • Rent hose for $35 day / $75 week / $150 month
  • Add ¼ hr per hose


Pump Retro-Fit For X & D Series

  • Pumps are a rental item in POR
  • Add ½ hr to install pump



  • First (2) are included in delivery/pick-up, add ¼ hr per unit after that


36” or Carpet Fans

  • First (2) 36” fans are included in delivery/pick-up. Add ¼ hr per unit after that.
  • First (4) carpet fans are included in pick-up/delivery. Add ¼ hr per unit after that.
Trouble Shooting

MovinCool: Locked

MovinCool: Condensate

Oceanaire: Con Error

Day / Week / Month